Questions I Ask?

I wrote a blog earlier today,
That I have yet to post.
But on reflection,
Several questions arose.
Is my life invalidated,
Simply because I’m a gay man,
And, some choose not to understand?
Or, Am I less than human,
Because I have HIV?
I don’t know anymore,
As the answers I don’t have.
Yet, I’ve  lost the ones I’ve loved most,
For simply being me.  HB

About hrschbw

Hello, I'm Herschel. And, I'll be the first to say, that I am not a writer. Although, there was a day, long ago, that I considered writing as a career. Yet, life took me in a totally different direction. Today, I find myself just putting my thoughts down, simply with pen and paper. I'm a little old-fashioned maybe, in that sort of way. I simply find myself writing about whats real, and relevant to me, based off what life has given me. If what I write touches you, then my heart is truly at ease. For what it tells me, lets me know, that we are truly in this thing called "Life" together. And so, I thank each of you for taking the time to stop by, for liking my writings, and giving me the honor, that you would somehow follow me. And, so, I'm not a writer, a poet, or even perhaps a great blogger. All I can simply say, is that I write from a heart that's real, a place that somewhere along the way, I forgot existed.
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